Meet Me

This is kind of awkward. I've never had to write about myself before. I guess I don't have to . . . but challenges are good, right? Right.


That's me. Joy. With a knife. Cutting up stuff. Yes!

I'm a teenage girl with an intense, sort of creepy love for baking. I'm weird. I'm kind of crazy. I really like food. I live in California, in a desert. With lots of ponies. I like ponies.

I started this blog because I like to write, I like to bake, and I like to do things I'm not qualified to do. Like start my own blog and pretend I can bake.

I have a passion for finding odd foods, putting them in interesting stuff and making it taste good. Like Mango Bread. Or these delicious muffins. All proof of my skills at typing awesome and food together into the Google search box.

I love my family, which is a pretty impressive one if I do say so myself, and am definitely the youngest. I get called a baby a lot. I'm used to it.

I also happen to adore Jesus, who has made all things possible for me, and likes to fix things when I screw them up. He thinks my cookies are yummy.

Dance of the Autumn Leaves is a beautiful piece composed by Melody Bober and is a title that perfectly describes my love for fall and the cool, refreshing air. I also like dancing, even though I couldn't do it to save my life. I am a pretty good kitchen ballerina though, I have to say.

So if after reading this, you still want to find out about my life, you are a very brave person, and I advice you to visit that place where I organized my recipes.

Well, have a cupcake and look around! But not too much. That might be embarrassing on my part.